Tourism and hospitality

Appreciate gift - candles

A great example of a circular economy

Remember in our previous blog post we talked about the importance of buying local? The statistics are that if you buy from a local business $67.18 of every $100 stays in the local economy. The Committee for Wyndham was fortunate to gain assistance from Wyndham City’s Business Recovery and Growth Fund to redevelop our website….

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Think local, buy local, employ local

As we move towards business-as-normal, thinking and acting local becomes strategically important to ensure that our community not only grows but becomes stronger and takes advantage of what our businesses and community can offer back into our economy. So what did we learn at BCW? For every $100 spent at a locally owned and operated…

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leadership in Wyndham

Leadership and Management Skills

In February 1995, the Industry Task Force on Leadership and Management Skillshanded the Enterprising Nation report to the Federal Minister for Employment,Education and Training.  This report, also known as the Karpin Report, had asignificant impact on training and education including reforming managementeducation and frontline manager training and rebuilding community confidence in theword entrepreneur after interesting…

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