Blog / Think local, buy local, employ local

Think local, buy local, employ local

March 11, 2021

As we move towards business-as-normal, thinking and acting local becomes strategically important to ensure that our community not only grows but becomes stronger and takes advantage of what our businesses and community can offer back into our economy.

So what did we learn at BCW?

  • For every $100 spent at a locally owned and operated retail store, $67.16 stays in the local economy.
  • For every $100 spent online with a non-Wyndham business only $4.18 stays in Wyndham.
  • Wyndham businesses and organisations spend $5.8billion annually on non-Wyndham businesses.
  • If 10% of this spending on non-Wyndham businesses was replaced by local B2B transactions, there would be flow-on effect of 600 jobs
  • While Wyndham imports $88million of education services – that is to say Wyndham residents spend $88million on education offerings located outside of the municipality, Wyndham exports $121million of education services
  • You can learn more about Werribee Business and Tourism Association’s Buy Local project at
  • If you are thinking of employing a Wyndham local or if you are looking for a local job Opportunity Wyndham is a good place to start. .



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