Wyndham CEC

Wyndham CEC

Offering quality community programs and education opportunities to the local community. Founded over 40 years ago, Wyndham CEC is one of Victoria’s largest Adult & Community Education providers and a leader in supporting people and communities to make positive changes for their future.

Wyndham Community and Education Centre Inc. is a not-for-profit incorporated organisation established by the community as the Werribee Community Centre Inc. in 1974. To reflect the scope of services offered by the organization across the municipality, the name was changed to Wyndham Community & Education Centre Inc. in 2011 or as it is better known, Wyndham CEC. In 1997, Wyndham Community and Education Centre Inc. became a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and in 2008 became a registered senior secondary provider.

Wyndham CEC offers a range of programs and services that include: pre-accredited and accredited training courses and community programs for individuals between the ages of 15 and 64 from a broad cross section of the community with a strong emphasis on the disadvantaged, youth, refugee and humanitarian entrants, and other new and emerging communities. Our client focused structure and attention to tailored training and individual needs, perfectly places the organisation to deliver adult learning and community strengthening activities: Improving lives … strengthening communities.

Wyndham CEC


9742 4013



20 Synnot Street,

Werribee VIC 3030


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