Here’s a glimpse of our region:
- 542 square kilometres including 27.4 kilometres of coastline on Port Phillip Bay
- 2020 population of 288,000, expected to grow to 512,500 by 2041
- 13 babies are born to Wyndham mothers each day – that’s 4.1 primary school classes each week
- 1 in 3 people in Wyndham have moved here in the last 5 years
- 58% of residents are below 35 years of age
- Almost half of our residents were born overseas in 162 different countries
- The highest representation of Wyndham people born overseas come from India, China, Philippines, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Vietnam
- 53% of Wyndham residents speak a language other than English
- Wyndham is home, along with Casey and Hume, to the largest family households in Melbourne
- More than half of our households are families with children and the majority of those households have children aged under 15
- Our households have over 28,000 registered pets
- 70% of Wyndham’s employed residents leave Wyndham to work each day
- 24% of residents have a Bachelor Degree or higher
- 6% are currently studying at a university or TAFE
- Our unemployment rate is 6%
- The median house price is $567,000
- Wyndham’s Regional Product is $11 billion – 2.4% of Victoria’s Gross State Product
542 km2