Our Region

Wyndham is one of Australia’s fastest growing regions with a productive business sector and a diverse population.

Here’s a glimpse of our region:

  • 542 square kilometres including 27.4 kilometres of coastline on Port Phillip Bay
  • 2020 population of 288,000, expected to grow to 512,500 by 2041
  • 13 babies are born to Wyndham mothers each day – that’s 4.1 primary school classes each week
  • 1 in 3 people in Wyndham have moved here in the last 5 years
  • 58% of residents are below 35 years of age
  • Almost half of our residents were born overseas in 162 different countries
  • The highest representation of Wyndham people born overseas come from India, China, Philippines, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Vietnam
  • 53% of Wyndham residents speak a language other than English
  • Wyndham is home, along with Casey and Hume, to the largest family households in Melbourne
  • More than half of our households are families with children and the majority of those households have children aged under 15
  • Our households have over 28,000 registered pets
  • 70% of Wyndham’s employed residents leave Wyndham to work each day
  • 24% of residents have a Bachelor Degree or higher
  • 6% are currently studying at a university or TAFE
  • Our unemployment rate is 6%
  • The median house price is $567,000
  • Wyndham’s Regional Product is $11 billion – 2.4% of Victoria’s Gross State Product
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542 km2

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Become a Member


By joining the Committee for Wyndham, you will make a positive contribution to the growth and development of one of Australia’s fastest growing regions, and to its people and community.

C4W actively works with our members to ensure that they have a strong voice in Wyndham and beyond.

It is only through your commitment to C4W that we can continue to work for Wyndham’s growing and diverse community.